Art & Faith Creative

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Collaboration in Italy...

Let’s talk about Collaboration… 

So what does it mean in the realm of Creatives… or in our case, Art & Faith, and is it something we should seek out or let the Lord direct?

Here’s the Webster’s Definition: “the action of working with someone to produce or create something.”  Love that. 💕

I also looked up the word in my Bible Reference App, and guess what verse showed up:

Hebrews 10:24-25  “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to {gather} together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Wow, this is the verse that inspired our dreams of hosting creative retreats…Double love that!💕

I don’t have enough space here to share all the Lord has done since we started hosting retreats in Bellagio back in 2012, but it’s been incredible to watch how He’s connected us to this part of Italy, to the people who live there… so that His purpose will be done. We can look back and see how God brought us here, not only to host our retreats here, but also to connect with the people here and we continue to pray about what that looks like.

So today I want to share a little about some friends from Lake Como who I’ve asked to join our retreat this summer. From the very beginning of our retreats I’ve asked other women to teach with me. It’s been a collaboration with others artists each time, from all different types of art forms… but always artists from the U.S.

This year I am so excited to have two friends FROM Italy who will join us, and we can’t wait to work together to create something” beautiful!

The first friend I want to introduce you to is Simona. Simona heard about our retreats years ago and has been coming to the art classes every year since! She’s an amazing artist herself, and she taught a class for us back in 2018 which we all loved. So I’ve asked her to come back and teach us some new watercolor techniques this year. You can find her art @simona_anghileri

Jenny (and her whole family) are dear friends who we’ve known almost from the beginning. We’ve had the joy of watching Jenny become a mother, my husband encouraged her husband to start his own business, and now she’s started her own creative business! Jenny will be joining us with a fun creative project we’ll learn to make and have as a keepsake from our time in Italy. You can follow her @minimal_vibes_shop

It’s been such an incredible experience getting to know all the people there & bring YOU into their lives through the relationships the Lord has built… we are in AWE of it all! There are many more friends you’ll meet during our retreat and all I can say is that it’s been a “monumental collaboration” of the Lord’s doing! 

We’ve had so many women who’ve joined us over the years tell us that it wasn’t just a vacation or retreat,  it was a chance to step away from their busy lives and connect with the people, places & culture of Italy.  Along with time in God’s Word, the ART we create, and the beauty of time well spent… we hope and pray this time together will encourage all of us in the things of the Lord!

If you’d like to join us at one of our retreats this year, you can check out each one HERE.

Have a GREAT day,

Laura McCollough