Do you ever wonder how your creativity is connected to your faith?
Let me show you the Art of Faith.
Get ready to make lifelong friends as you take a step away from life for a bit, and are refreshed in a nourishing, creative, faith-filled journey of life-changing proportions.
Hi, I’m Laura
I’m the owner of Art & Faith Creative Retreats. I started this business/ministry because I wanted to create an encouraging space for Christian women in the sometimes ‘hard and messy middle’ as they struggle in a busy world to nurture their souls and find the time and space to connect with God’s Word and with other like-minded women.
I’m passionate and committed to hosting these retreats because I understand what it’s like to feel pulled in different directions, yet long to take time for ourselves to rediscover our creativity, dig deep into God’s Word and see what He has for us next. Maybe like me, you’ve raised your family and as an “empty nester” are wondering what’s next. Is it caring for your aging parents, spending time with grandchildren or winding down a long career you’ve enjoyed? This “midlife” can bring a deep yearning to discover what’s next for us, and I’d love to inspire and encourage you on that journey of uncovering God’s story for your life.
I believe that when we write down our stories, study the Bible, and use our creativity to express our faith, we see the threads of God in our lives and they connect us with others in a deeper way. I often say the women who come to my retreats may meet as strangers but they leave as lifelong friends.
So be brave, step out in faith, & trust that He is weaving together a beautiful story out of each one of our lives.
The Back Story…
“He will always work out His{story} in our lives… for His glory.”
My passion has always been to read and write. I would often escape into different worlds through books without ever having to get on a plane. You see, I hate to fly. So I never imagined the Lord would call me to a life of traveling around the world and hosting creative retreats in faraway places. But when we allow the Lord to work in our lives, He usually stretches us in the areas we need stretching, like trusting Him.
About 20 years ago, my husband sold his business and we decided to do something crazy. We took a year off to travel the world with our two young daughters! It was an incredible experience and a scary experience for me, but our young little family took off traveling by planes, trains and automobiles! It was an incredible time in our lives and I believe that experience opened my eyes to the amazing ways that God can use us when we step out in faith.
With the help of my daughters, and the encouragement of my incredibly supportive husband, I have been hosting Creative Retreats since 2012 and I can’t possibly put into words how humbled I am by this calling the Lord has placed on my life. I never would have dreamed this up on my own! And friends, this is the place of grace that gives us the boldness to go forward in faith…
To be creatively faithful.
These retreats are a place for women to come together to explore their creativity, connect with God, and find community. I truly believe you can reawaken your creativity and use it as a way of growing closer to God, and I love seeing how He does that in the lives of each woman at the retreats.
I’m currently writing a book about my faith journey because I want to share the hope we can have when we trust our whole lives in the hands of Jesus Christ. I share what God has done, His{story} in my life, and I hope to inspire others to see how He’s simply looking for those willing to live bold lives for Him.
I also have a passion for Bible journaling, mixed-media and watercolor art. I’ve worked with scrapbook and mixed-media companies as well as local art stores for many years. I started a small wedding planning business years back called “A Bride Idea” and I enjoy helping create beautiful events for family and friends. I love how the Lord has blended these creative passions together to show me His purposes through them. It’s amazing to see how when the desires of our heart come from Him, He works in and through them, and it all makes sense. It reminds me of one of my favorite passages in Ephesians 2:8-10
“For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
When I’m not hosting our retreats, I love to bake, search for vintage finds, gather friends and family together, and take way too many photos… in fact, I’m sure I have more photos on my phone than anyone I know! And of course, I love reading, preferably on a lounge chair by the water. (I share about a very specific lounge chair by the water that was part of a life-changing moment in my book).
Well, now that you know way too much about me, I hope you’ll stay a while and we can connect on here or on IG. I’d love to have you join us on a future retreat someday… where we can take way too many photos… together!
Years later I started praying about hosting Art & Faith Creative Retreats, and through those prayers and my devotional time in God’s Word, I was continually reminded about encouraging others in the things of the Lord. Hebrews 10: 23-25 became the inspiration for my retreats. The scripture encourages us to: “... hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to {gather} together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Kind Words…
“Having attended Laura's Art & Faith retreats (both stateside & out-of-the-country), I can vouch that Laura does a phenomenal job in creating one-of-a-kind experiences! She really cares about all the details and does her best to ensure everyone's experience is as personal as possible. As a solo traveler, it can be intimidating not knowing others, but the women who gather at Laura's retreat are united in faith and love for one another! I can tell you from experience that you will return home with a sore belly from all the laughter, memories of breathtaking sites, an art journal filled with treasured moments, and friendships that will expand your heart.”
I Believe In
I am here to walk with you on this journey of life, and to encourage you to live in a positive and affirming way, according to Jesus.
My passion is to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ with others. I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus that bring the hope of the gospel message wherever I go.
I love to encourage women to use their gifts and abilities in creative ways, to do the will of God in our lives.