2018 Book List...

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Who else LOVES to read? Hands up... đź™ŚđźŹ».

I wanted to take a photo of my book list from 2018 because I’ve never really documented how much I’ve read in a year. So this list is most of the books except for a couple I’ve loaned out.


But let’s talk about this AMAZING bookstore first... an English bookstore in France! We always take a trip here each time we’re in Paris. Its so fun to browse this old bookstore and find the little hidden corners, sit for a while reading the book titles or notes left over the years and now stay for lunch at their cafe! Don’t miss this gem if you’re ever in Paris, but if you want to come with us, our next France and Belgium retreat will be in 2020.

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This photo is one I took inside the bookstore and it’s on my website’s home page b/c I love it so much!

Now onto my book pile from this year... I didn’t get through all of these titles, but I’m hoping for some time to this Christmas break! At the TOP of the list are “Whisper”, “La La Lovely”, “Gracelaced”, and “Called to Create.” But these are all great and I can definitely recommend each one. Mark Batterson’s book “Whisper” is truly life changing and if you’ve never read any of his books, I would start with “The Circle Maker” because that is what opened my eyes to circling our lives in prayer and what was the genesis of our calling to move to Colorado.

Speaking of Colorado and one book that I leant out, so it’s not on this list:

This book was SO good. A fun and easy read about a place we were about to move! Carla Laureano is a fellow Coloradan and is coming out with another book soon. If you love food, good restaurants and good reads, this one fits the bill!

So what are your top reads of 2018??

We would love to hear them, and it could help us all start our lists for 2019! 

Have a GREAT day,

Laura McCollough


P.S. This quintessential French restaurant is right next door to Shakespeare & Company and if you want a very simple, yet very French dinner I suggest this place. The other side of S & Co. is their own cafe that is good as well for a sandwich or snack and coffee.


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