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God-sized Dreams...

Good morning everyone,

I wanted to come on here and tell you that we haven’t forgotten this blog…

We’ve just been BUSY!

Life is moving at super-spead these days. We have finally broke ground on our God-sized DREAM:

This was last Thursday in the freezing cold!

This was TWO days later! We had friends from California come out and surprise us and we took them to the land and I was so blown away to see all of this. It’s already taking shape according to the plans (and God’s plans) and it’s exciting to see! Thank you Schumann’s for coming to see our land and praying over it with us, it’s so amazing to see how this dream started in California and we’ve now had two families from there who were at the beginning of this “Circle of Prayer” come here and circle it in prayer.

Since these photos were taken last weekend there have been 2 beautiful MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS that I wanted to share with you:

First are these piles of DIRT…

Here’s what I wrote on IG:

“I have to give a SHOUT OUT to God this morning, because He is in the details, right? And when a miracle, little or big, happens in this process I want to give Him the glory! These big piles of DIRT and not ROCK are a miracle…

Our builder called this morning to tell us that on our land we had only 5% rock! If you knew the landscape here you would know that is UNHEARD of! Another house building in our community had to spend thousands extra bc of all the rock they had! Literally had to rent a ROCK crusher to grind it into dirt. We did not want that to happen and then have the budget go WAY over. So we had prayed that would not happen a while ago and forgot about it. But God reminded us, and blessed us more than we even thought possible.”

For with God nothing will be impossible.”  Luke 1:37 

Next, here is another blessing I posted on IG:

Same day, but that night I posted this on IG:

“This day couldn’t get any better! We got an email from our builder that said this:

“As you know we started the foundation for your home. We started placing concrete today and I took the liberty of placing some engraved Bible verses in your footings. Since you couldn’t be there and you won’t be able to see them, I took several pictures.  I’m including other pictures I took throughout the day to mark the special occasion. I placed one verse on each corner of the foundation. It was inserted into the concrete after I took the picture, so it will forever be in the foundation for your family home.”

Guys, I bawled like a baby! This just is more than I could have ever dreamed, and that’s BECAUSE it’s not… its the Lord’s dream for us! I’m so humbled that they did this and kew our hearts would love this, and it means the WORLD to us! Thank you Eric and Adamo Homes!”

Can you believe it? All in the same day!

We are in awe of what God is doing and know that there are still so many “God winks” and miracles we will see in this process. And, we know that there are still so many DECISIONS to make and that this is going to be a long process. There are hundreds of decisions to make when building a new home and it can be overwhelming and can keep your eyes focused on the details and not the BIG picture.

Sometimes we can only see what’s right in front of us, and forget that what we believe God is doing in our lives is real, alive and working out in His timing! I look at this photo and think of this. We can be so focused on the beautiful flowers right in front of us that we miss the beautiful building that’s beyond them.

I am so thankful that this week has been a beautiful time of seeing the Lord work the past and present together to shine a light on the future of His God-sized dream in our hearts.  This dream or {PURPOSE} started in January of 2017 with my husband and I circling our prayers through a 40day prayer challenge by Mark Batterson (Draw the Circle) that really challenged us and changed us.  (I am not an affiliate of Amazon but that’s a link to the book) I’ve recommended this book to many people and I would really get it and see what the Lord does in your life! It’s a book about prayer and how life changing it is when we come before the Lord in prayer.

If you know a little about our story, you know we moved our whole lives from California (we were both born & raised there) to Colorado last August to build what we feel the Lord put on our hearts; a home and gathering place for His purposes.

But it started at the beginning of 2017 and we’re almost to the middle of 2019... so trusting in the Lord’s timing has been something we’ve had to rely on. But through all the days, the questions from family and friends, the doubts (yes, you’ll have them) we’ve known it’s where God moved us and that He would work it out in His PERFECT timing. 

But… this is ALL to say that He is in the details, and He WILL work things out!

I was listening to our pastor on the radio yesterday (driving 4 hours a day for my daughter this week so I had a LOT of time to think and pray, lol) and He talked about this verse:

“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6

Please hear that verse! Be confident that God is working things out in your life, if you are seeking Him and asking Him, He will do it! It may not look exactly like what you thought, it may take WAY longer than you thought… but He wants you to give Him your dreams and desires and He will show His glory through them! It’s a promise.


Pray circles around your dreams! I know I’ve said this many times on here, but it’s so important. I’ve seen this over and over and I want you to see it too. When we give it ALL to Him, He will show you, and He will show UP in BIG ways!  Because, He gets to show us His will and His miracles through it all. 

And know this:

When we pray BIG prayers they will be BIGGER than ourselves. They can’t happen on their own, and it’s nothing that we are going to do, but EVERYTHING that God will do!

Pray BIG prayers and see what God can do!

You can follow the whole story @acoloradogathering

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!


Laura McCollough