Friday Journaling Prompt...


Momma’s this ones for you...

Friday Journaling Prompt. 

You’ve probably heard something along these lines before... 

It’s not about the days, it’s about the moments.

As a momma of three girls, spaced far apart by God’s design, I’m in my 26th year of raising daughters. And here’s a couple things I’m still learning:

  1. They don’t want a clean house, they want you.

  2. Time together with them matters in a huge way.

Which leads me to my journaling prompt for today:

How can we show our children time with them matters to us too?

I believe as Christian moms we have a calling to manage our time a little different than the world manages theirs.  We should seek to do God’s will daily, as we focus on how to raise up our children in His ways.  Having our eyes on Jesus and understanding His love for children helps us to see the importance of loving ours.  Seeing how He took time for them gives us a glimpse of His heart and where ours should be.

This isn’t rocket science, I know.  But with a 26, 22 and 16 year old, looking back over those years I realize it’s the little moments of TIME that have brought the most precious memories.  

And the times of REST with them by your side opens wide the door of deep connection.

Let me say it this way...

They won’t remember that the house was always cleaned up, but they will remember if you’re always busy doing so.  

They’ll remember if you sat and listened to them, but they won’t remember what the house looked like when you listened. 

Still doing mommy and me days 26 years later, and they may not remember what day it was or where we went, but they will remember that we took a day for them... doing their favorite things together. 

Raising a family is not easy. This world puts so much focus on things that really don’t matter, that in turn take those moments of time with our children away.  I don’t pretend to have this figured out... so lets all pray for the Lord to allow an eternal perspective to guide our time. ❤️


Love, Tuesday...


Love, Tuesday... when you're not loving much.