Friday Journaling Prompt...

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Good morning Friday!!

I’m working on so many things at once right now… it’s exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.

I’m sure most of you can relate…

The past year+  has been so challenging for our lives, right? What do we do, where do we go, when do we go, and how do we move forward… questions that swirl in our minds daily. 

I can’t help but wonder at what God is trying to show us through everything.

But I really needed to stop that constant wondering this week because it can become unhealthy.  Lately for me, all those questions have piled up and they spill out in doubt and tears. And my wise daughter could see that and I’m so thankful.  She reminded me what my heart knows, but my mind lost sight of.

Which leads me to today’s Journaling Prompt:

How do we stop all the questions in our minds and trust that the Lord will show us what to do?

Do you also struggle with this? 

It isn’t easy to wait on the Lord and trust Him with everything.

It’s always easier in hindsight to see how the Lord brought GOOD in all of it and ordained each step… but in the middle of it, the way can get foggy.

Last night the fog started to lift for me.

It wasn’t that I got answers to the all questions, but there was a gentle reminder that He has been there in every struggle, every decision and every blessing… and He will continue to walk with me in the way that I should go.

I still don’t know how everything fits and the way forward isn’t completely clear, but…

I know these things to be true:

  • If we don’t start our day in God’s word our minds won’t be settled on Him, and they will fall prey to doubt and worry

  • We need to have hearts full of praise and worship, even in the uncertainties of life. We need to make room in each day for worship and praise. (I’m working on this…)

  • We may not understand what to do yet, but we can trust that God does, and He will give clarity at the perfect time.


I know we are living in such a fast paced world and with that comes the desire to have answers ASAP. Waiting on the Lord is so contrary to what our natural self wants to do. But I think that’s what the Lord IS trying to show us again and again. (at least for me He is because I keep forgetting this…)

One of my favorite verses that I love so much, yet can loose sight of so easily… until the Lord brings me back is this:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 

Maybe you need this gentle reminder today to?

I hope you feel the loving, gentle correction from the Lord too, and I pray you also can see the fog lifting as you focus on trusting the Lord with everything and believing that He will direct your path, if you let Him.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone. I’d love to hear from you if you have any thoughts on todays Journaling Prompt.

We are in the process of re-doing our entire website and even though I don’t know when exactly it will be done, I can’t wait to share it with you and the heart behind why we want to update things and make it a better space for you to connect with us!


Laura McCollough


Love, Tuesday...


Friday Journaling Prompt...