Art & Faith Creative

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We’re back from our Creative Retreats…

And I have so much to share!!

Two retreats back-to-back was a LOT, (a lot of fun, and a lot of work) but I don’t think I’ll be doing that again… and I’ll explain why down below.

But first, here’s a tiny snippet from both retreats:

I also want to share some of the exciting things going on at Art & Faith Creative, and that includes TWO additional retreats in 2025!

We’re headed to Jackson Hole, Wyoming in
July of 2025

And, we’re headed to France in September of 2025!

Details on both retreats are HERE:

Ok, here’s the backstory on “back-to-back” retreats…

Before I begin, please don’t think I’m knocking any other retreat businesses out there that does back-to-back reteats. If they can do it, great. I’ve just come to realize that it’s not for me, and I’m sharing some honest emotions with you here.

So I mentioned my health issues that came about in May of this year, and with that I already knew this was going to be a lot to organize, prepare and be on top off each day, for two retreats within a week of each other. But, I had wonderful helpers in Italy, and they were truly amazing! (Thank you girls!!) The ladies were also great and we had so much fun, just watch any video I’ve posted and you can see that. But what I didn’t realize, and wasn’t prepared for, is the emotional part of hosting two retreats, back-to-back…

I spend over a year preparing, writing the devotional, organizing the week, getting to know each lady online… so finally getting TO the retreat and sharing that time in-person becomes so special, it’s like a culmination of this beautiful gift we’ve been given from the Lord. That bond actually lasts long after everyone goes home, it lasts a lifetime for many. When you’ve spent a moment in time that is so deep, so connected because of our shared faith, you see it as only something the Lord could orchestrate, and it leaves a lasting memory on your life. But, I needed to move on so quickly in order to plan, prepare and get to the next retreat location, And THAT was very hard for me.

I don’t know why I’m sharing all of this with you, it’s really just me working through why I felt torn as I ended one retreat and had to switch gears to the next retreat. The England retreat was still so beautiful, we spent 13 DAYS together, (a much longer retreat) and we had the English countryside to explore! So I hope they all felt my heart in that retreat just as much as the Italy retreat. It was my FIRST England retreat and it was a blast! I want to do it again in a couple years (so keep that in mind) and now that I’ve done this retreat I know what I would do again, what I may skip next time, and how to make it even better!

Well, if you’ve read all the way to this point, you are a sweet friend who I really appreciate! Maybe this rambling is just my internal mix of emotions that wants to still be dreaming about the incredible time I had with BOTH groups… and knowing that my heart was to give my all to both groups of incredible women!

I enjoyed getting to know over 20+ ladies between the two retreats and sharing that time with them was a total JOY. I think now I know that for me, I need more time after a retreat to hold all those precious moments in my heart, to journal them, to pray for these precious women the Lord brings to our retreats, and to continue to connect with them after they’ve gone home.

So there’s my feeble attempt to explain why I won’t be doing that in the future, hahaha… and I hope it makes some sort of sense.

I am doing really good health wise though, and now that I’ve been home for a few weeks from all our travels, I’m taking time to focus on my health in general.

So… if you’d like to join us at any of our retreats next year, you can check them out on our

Retreat Registration page!

All the details are listed, but the Wyoming and France retreats will not be open for Registration until THIS FRIDAY, August 23rd at 8am (Colorado Mountain Time)

If you want to join our Bellagio, Italy retreat that is OPEN NOW, and there are 3 spots left, so register soon if you want to come to Italy with us next summer!

Ladies, I want to end by saying how humbled AND honored I feel that THIS is what the Lord has called me to be a part of, and that YOU continue to sign up and join me on this wild adventure God has us on. I know He is the point of ALL of it, He is the One wanting us to gather in His name, to encourage and strengthen each other in our faith… and I will continue to do these retreats as long as He allows me to!

Hugs to all,

Laura McCollough