Corrie Ten Boom...


I grew up in a very Dutch community (and family) in California and Corrie Ten Boom was a well loved figure in that world.  I remember hearing about her life and even getting to hear her in person when I was around 12 years old. (I have a memory of meeting her after one of her talks, but my mom doesn’t recall it) My brother says we were at TBN in Orange County with a group from our church to listen to her speak and my mom was in a singing group at the time called “His Womenfolk” that sang before Corrie spoke.

I’ll never forget seeing her in person though, with her “Heidi” like gray haired braids and her wrinkled face that held so much joy in her smile... and hearing her incredible testimony left an imprint on my life forever.  She has such similarities in looks to some of my Aunts, that I feel like I know her…


I often think of her and wonder if she is what lead to my interest, to this day, in reading and learning everything about WWII. I’ve wanted each of our daughters to read her story and know what that generation had to endure. It makes me see that what we are going through pales in comparison.  It also makes me wish I knew more about my great grandparents who lived in Holland at the same time as Corrie and her family, during WWII.  Maybe it’s why my grandparents wanted to come to America after the war?

If you’re interested in hearing her story, read or watch the movie “The Hiding Place” and you will be blown away by the presence of God, even in what seemed to be a God forsaken place... a concentration camp. But He was there, and she recounts it with so much love and peace, it will change you forever.  Here’s a link to the book on Amazon (FYI: I have no affiliation with Amazon)


This quote of hers is relevant for every generation, but presently it is an encouragement I want to share with you today. If you know what extreme circumstances Corrie endured, yet believed this wholeheartedly, you can be certain that you can have this rest in Christ too.❤️🙌🏻

“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.” Corrie Ten Boom

Her family home in Haarlem is a museum now and one day I hope to go visit it! Here is a link to the museum website. if you’d like to learn more or visit.

I think reading her story is important and I would encourage you to go watch the movie or read her book.

Have a GREAT day,

Laura McCollough


Love, Tuesday... and a Sigh


God is Making a Way...