Art & Faith Creative

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Ti sono grato...

Ti sono grato… I am grateful.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”  James‬ ‭1:17‬ ‭

James 1 talks about the testing of our faith. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,”… trials of all kinds doesn’t sound very fun, right?

Our real estate agent is a godly women with a sense of humor (love that about her) and she says she asks her clients if they think God is trying to teach them something during the home selling process…because it’s not a fun process.  I think maybe He is in our case…😂

But nevertheless, it’s been a busy, but fruitful week in our home.  A week that the Lord has been kind and faithful in confirming all that He is doing!

I’ll share more in the weeks to come, but I want to remind my heart, and yours, that the Lord is our Helper… our Guide… and our Comforter. No matter what kind of trial is in your life you can look to Him for help.

“I life up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Meditate on these verses this weekend as you experience the hard things. Trust that we know God can take care of ALL the cares of the world, and He will. Journal what God is doing in and through your life, I promise it will help you see the hand of God in your life! I can’t share yet… but this week was a huge week of confirmation in what God is doing and speaking through His Word, and it’s amazing to go back and see His faithfulness written down… so we can share it with others!! (Yes, the theme of our retreats this year and God is so faithful… thank you Jesus!!)

If you are joining our Bellagio, Italy retreat this year we just sent out our update so look for that in your inbox. Some people have said they found our emails in their junk mail, so please look through there if you don’t see it. We are under 90 days from our time in Italy and we are so excited to meet everyone and see what the Lord will do!

Here’s a little bit more beauty for your day… Trader Joe’s flowers for the win! They looked so pretty I had to take a few moments to sit and sketch them and maybe this weekend I’ll do a quick watercolor wash over them too. We’ve been showing the house so much lately I’ve been going to Trader Joes to get flowers every week or two and these have been some of the prettiest ones, and at $3.99 you can’t beat it!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Laura McCollough