Art & Faith Creative

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Do you see it??

Do you see that heart rock in the bottom left corner of this photo?

It’s is a reminder of God’s heart for us.

You see, this beach… in Laguna is about my favorite place in the U.S. I have to come here every time we visit because my heart loves being here. We raised our girls minutes from here; spending hours walking in Laguna, playing in the playground, taking photos as they grew right on this beach. We vacationed here when we lived inland an hour, and now we vacation from Colorado.

We thought we were moving back here. But God has other plans. And I know they are good. This last trip to Cali confirmed things, but that heart… it was a sweet reminder. God loves us, is wiser than us and we can trust His heart for us.

Spurgeon kind of says it better:

“God is too good to be unkind, too wise to be mistaken; and when you cannot trace His hand, you can trust His heart.”
Charles Spurgeon

So we’ll keep trusting His heart, when we can’t exactly trace His hand (or path)

And I’ll keep looking for those heart rocks…💕

Hope you have a wonderful day, seeing God’s heart for you too.


Laura McCollough